Acoustic Supastars

Acoustic Supastars is a live event hosted by Star Music, showcasing amazing acoustic and songwriting skills.

Singer-songwriters and composers of original music are invited to register now for the opportunity to perform live at Melbourne's most intimate 'Acoustic Showcase Event'.

A well organised team are offering writers and composers of original music the opportunity to be a part of an acoustic live music event that showcases the raw talent of artists from many genres, on an intimate stage in a warm ambiance and modern setting.

All artists are required to undergo a screening process and need to supply artist bio packs on application. 'Acoustic Supastars' artists will benefit from recording discounts available to them by the Star Music recording facility.

To register your interest please contact the 'Acoustic Supastars' page on Facebook. This event is proudly brought to you by Star Music and event sponsors.

'Acoustic Supastars' is a Star Music label event.

Record label